The market offers fresh nutritious products from within the area such as homegrown produce, honey, maple syrup, Ontario Lamb, Organic Beef, Herbs, starter plants, local garlic, perennial plants, baked goods of many kinds, homemade preserves, jams, jellies, wine and a variety of artisans who offer unique items such as candles, soap, knitted and crocheted products, wood work and much more. We are always a Not-for-profit certified organization.
Every time you shop at a farmers market you support the local economy and its farmers. You are also helping to safeguard agricultural land for future generations. Shop fresh and shop local when items are in season, get to know who is growing your food.
Our market in located at Bond and John St. (old arena lot)
beside the Curling Club. We open Friday of the May long weekend until Thanksgiving from 9am - 2pm
All products are either home grown, homemade or locally produced by our vendors. We follow all mandatory rules and regulations set by Farmers' Market Ontario as well as the Health and Safety Board. The Government of Ontario declares farmers' markets an essential part of the province's food chain - so whenever possible please check out your local market before going to the grocery store. Shop Fresh Shop Local
We encourage our customers to bring their own shopping bags, as we are doing our best to reduce the use of plastic.
You can also follow us on facebook at:
Kawartha Herb Gardens
Crow Hill Farm
John's Garlic
Amazing Grace
McLean Berry Farm
O'Brienview Organic Farm
Pillitteri Estate Winery
Sweets 2 Go
Superior Meats
The Nature In Us
Pies 4 U2
Brandeston Farm
Francis Street Candles
La Brehandaise Market (bakery)
Rhonda's Market Garden
Cameron's Hillbilly Harvest
Counrty Fabric Crafts
Northern Roots Wellness
Mikee's Gourmet Mushies
Gadsby Gardens
Wood It Be